
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to an unreleased version of rash. It is strongly recommended that you only use official releases of rash, as unreleased versions are subject to changes and incompatibilities that will not be supported in the official releases.

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    Lookup passwords from the pass utility.


    Parameter Required Type Values Description
    returnall   boolean   Return all the content of the password, not only the first line. [default: false]
    subkey   string   Return a specific subkey of the password. When set to password, always returns the first line. [default: password]


    - name: Return the first line of the secret
        msg: "{{ passwordstore('foo/boo') }}"
    - name: Return all the content
        msg: "{{ passwordstore('foo/boo', returnall=true) }}"
    - name: Return just the username
        msg: "{{ passwordstore('foo/boo', subkey='username') }}"