
    Getting started

    Simple YAML declarative shell scripting language based on modules and templates. rash syntax is inspired by Ansible.


    To start using rash you just need a container with entrypoint. For install, add rash binary to your Dockerfile:

    FROM rustagainshell/rash AS rash
    FROM nginx
    COPY --from=rash /bin/rash /bin
    COPY entrypoint.rh /
    ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.rh"]

    Also, you must create your first entrypoint.rh:

    - copy:
        content: |
          server {
            listen       80;
            {% for domain in env.DOMAINS | split(pat=',') -%}
            {% set path = domain | split(pat='.') | first -%}
            location /{{ path }} {
                rewrite /{{ path }}[/]?(.*) /$1 break;
                proxy_pass http://{{ domain }};
            {% endfor %}
        dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    - command:
        argv: [nginx, '-g', 'daemon off;']
        transfer_pid: true

    Or instead, you could want to use rash for local scripting. In that case you can follow our installation guide.


    YAML syntax based on modules.

    Besides, rash includes Tera templates which you can use anywhere. You can use all its functions and combine them as you want.

    rash implements custom builtins, too. For example, {{ rash.path }} or {{ env.MY_ENV_VAR }}.