
    Command-line interfaces

    rash has an integrated command-line parser based in the documentation of your script.

    This is an ad-hoc implementation based in Docopt. The main idea behind is to write the documentation and rash automatically parses arguments based on it.


    #!/usr/bin/env -S rash --
    # Copy files from source to dest dir
    # Usage:
    #   copy.rh [options] <source>... <dest>
    #   copy.rh
    # Options:
    #   -h --help    show this help message and exit
    #   --mode MODE  dest file permissions [default: 0644]
    - copy:
        src: "{{ item }}"
        dest: "{{ dest }}/{{ item | split('/') | last }}"
        mode: "{{ options.mode }}"
      loop: "{{ source | default([]) }}"